A few pictures and store Püppi
Soo ...
Laila is the same with the perfect cuddle pillow, really fluffy!
Miri is also a sweetness
And the little Oscar looks very friendly, I think:)
Hopefully I'll be right to it here:
ready to sew. The morning I spent with the 100 individual parts, I was not the worst, I'm in ironing "dead" (not surprisingly), but now I will finally be finished!
Ah, we now have a coffee fund, was a birthday gift (thank Y.!).
If it is full, we buy the bus ....
And here again I have a few "development picture":
This was the left side of the incomes of the store at the opening ...
the summer ....
how it looked today, a slight expansion of technical material is unmistakable-the little things left are all the buttons! If time around, we have an unbeatable price ...
This view of the left front of the store was sooo at the beginning ....
the summer ....
At the end of the summer ....
how it looked today. We have now rearranged the jewelry-as always when you umräumt, it looks better afterwards (can not really be, right?) From
Sun was at that moment 19 years ago I alone in a hospital bed with allegedly " invalid "contractions to accurately 60 Minuten später (kurz bevor der andere Elternteil ins Zimmer stürzte) mein Lischen in die Welt zu pressen. Danach war ich verdammt müde.
Nun, heute tingelt das Vögelchen am Nestrand entlang und es wird Zeit für ein bißchen Wind unter den Flügeln-alles nicht so einfach,gell? Jetzt bin ich seit 21 Jahren Mutter-ich finde das hört sich ganz schön lange an!
Seltsam,das man sich nicht so alt fühlt,wie man,als man noch jung war,von Leuten in unserem jetzigen Alter dachte,oder?
Ich habe letztens ein paar aufgeschriebene Gedanken gefunden-ich konnte mir wirklich nicht vorstellen,was jenseits der 30 auf mich wartet,und war sehr auf der Suche nach meinem Lebensweg.
Heute weiß ich,der Way is exactly the one I'm going (but it could certainly be a different one) there are "good" junctions, there are ways that "should be" one does not go (which it actually, but with sufficient will can also working against fate, of course, then again to turn otherwise), but honestly, BIS was 30, at least my life a little "confused". I do not want day back! And I would like to revise NIXNIXNIX. Especially not the birth of my children and living with them, these souls who have decided to come to me just to get to me and let me learn on them.
Good night.
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