In this post I've of my abdominal pain if the long school day reported the Mausezähnchens. I often talk to other parents about how childhood is developing. After 21 years of motherhood one has witnessed quite a few phases.
Well, either there are hardly any children or they are all hidden behind the TV and game console or in the day school. Outside, they are certainly not.
all-day schools, I would support 100%, if my child would not be affected, so pure in theory. And I also have the benefit not only the kids see today, often called "lone wolf" grow up and they lack the social skills, including the issue of integration, it is of great importance. In addition, parents can afford their lifestyle with a little content, and honestly, I do not give up my independence and self-realization and the rent must be paid so well. Therefore, "could" exercise the little flower right after enrollment, the full-day program, otherwise I would have to care for my master's exams failed, while the online store can.
would now not anymore! After over a year and two sick weeks she spent in the store-tired! Nönönö Mama!
I first had concerns to report them to lunch, homework help, meaningful AG's - they would not be bored?
No, she does not get bored. Her room in the store is larger than the home;), from time to time, customers are children bespaßt, often come girlfriends (because Grandpa always gets headaches;!) And otherwise it deals prima (1 million to remaining Cool) and is just happy close to me to be. And I have a good gut feeling here.
Now I will not, of course, that the have all-day children's moms feel guilty. Every child is different, and if I had not the great, would I notice the "difference" does not. I'm just glad and happy to be able to connect everything together.
Somehow the shop has become a second home (no wonder it's also the whole day there), it had to and I have to get used again and again-not until I was at home work that is not bad;)
Najaaa-the here was supposed to be a Christmas dress, and it did not take until next Christmas to finish it - it will be worn tomorrow as a birthday dress!

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