Pool Cue Meucci Quantum
Dev - First draft - Pong
Pour ce premier article sur le développement de hombrew sur DS, je vais parler de mon premier projet.
J'ai donc ensuite voulu changer l'affichage des scores. Après quelques réflexion, j'ai décidé de Goombas bring down the castle. It took me some time, because at the time, I do not control the cards collisions. But I have come to end, and I liked the result enough.
AI leaves a weak enough to be defeated, but strong enough to last a little game. I decided to move only when the ball is on the right side of the screen, limiting his time rection. If the ball can not be caught, it stops.
All content with the direction that would take my "game", I included a new game mode, which focused on Kirby. The aim of this sub-parity was to return the stone into the mouth of King Golem, an early boss in Kirby & the Amazing Mirror. It does not open all the time, wait for the right moment to press the button, so that Kirby makes a charge forward and propels the rock right in front of him. The life bar of the upper screen is the King Golem.
At this point, I realize that I forgot one of the things more important in a game break. I set up a loop, which one is freed by pressing A to Recapture, or B to exit. Miracle, finally something that works the first time!
Then comes the last part: the main menu. The first version allowed to choose between the two versions with the pad, the decor and the photo showing the selection actuelle.J 'I wanted to make a rotating menu. And that's where I'm planted. And I lost a large part of my motivation for this game
From time to time, sometimes I take the code and modify it a little, add a little extra modes of play, but it is not my main concern.
ends This is how my first history of one of my projects, remained at the stage of pre-project, although I release some versions. By the way, here
the link to download the latest version .
I'm (almost) that I would continue on, but when?
(And this is how not to put a line of code in a section on the DS dev ...)
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