texts I chose excerpts from "Water God" by Marcel Griaule on the Dogon cosmogony.
the day came in the sunlight, the Seventh Engineering sputum eighty son of cotton he divided between his upper teeth used like those of a comb loom.
He formed the beach and odd chain.
He did the same with lower teeth to be the son of peers plan.
By opening and closing his jaws, genius imparted to the chain movement imposed on it by the lists in the art.
And as her whole face was participating in the work, his nose ornaments were the pulley on which the last rock;
the shuttle was other than the ornament of the lower lip. While
son crossed and unfolded, the two peaks forked tongue engineering alternately pushing the weft yarn
and the band was formed out of the mouth, the breath of the second floor revealed.
Indeed, the genius spoke.
As Nommo had done during the first disclosure, he granted his verb travers d’une technique, afin qu’il fût à la portée des hommes.
Il montrait ainsi l’identité des gestes matériels et des forces spirituelles ou plutôt la nécessité de leur coopération.
Le génie déclamait et ses paroles colmataient tous les interstices de l’étoffe ; elles étaient tissées dans les fils et faisaient corps avec la bande.
Elles étaient le tissu lui-même et le tissu était le verbe. Et c’est pourquoi étoffe se dit soy, qui signifie « c’est la parole ».
And this word also means 7, the rank of one who spoke in weaving.
During the performance of work, the ant came and went at the edges of the hole in the breath of genius, hearing and retaining the words.
Chargee of this new direction, she communicated it to men who haunted the area and had already completed the transformation of the sex of the earth.
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