I fell asleep the night near the beach.
A cool breeze woke me, I left my dream
I opened my eyes I saw the morning star.
She shone in the distant sky background
In a soft white, and infinite charm.
Aquilon fled, carrying the storm.
The bright star changing the cloud down.
thought that was a clear, living;
She soothed the reef or wave breaks;
We thought he saw a soul through a pearl.
It was still dark, darkness reigned in vain
The sky lit up with a divine smile.
The light silvered the top of the leaning tower;
The ship was black, but the sail was white;
gulls standing on a cliff,
Attentive, star gazing seriously
Like a celestial bird and makes a spark;
Ocean, similar to people going to it,
And, roaring softly, looked shining
And seemed fear of it away.
An ineffable love filled the scope.
The green grass at my feet trembled wildly,
birds in the nests were talking, a flower
Who woke me says the star is my sister.
And during that long folds shadow lifted her veil
I heard a voice from the star
And who said: "I'm the star comes first.
I'm the one that believes in the grave and out.
I him on Sina, I have him on the Taygetos
I am the stone with gold and fire that God throws
As with a sling at the front black night.
what I am when a reborn world is destroyed.
O nations! I am passionate poetry.
I shone on Moses and I shone on Dante.
Lion Ocean is in love with me.
I arrive. Stand up, virtue, courage, faith!
Thinkers, spirits! Climb the tower sentries!
Eye, open up! Turn up, eyes!
Earth, move the furrow; life, awakens the noise
Arise, you who sleep, for he who follows me,
For whoever sends me before the first
It Freedom Angel is the Giant Light!
Victor Hugo, Jersey, July 1853
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