Friday, October 22, 2010

Place Names From Cryptic Clues Uk

neighborhood walk (31.10.) Against rising rents in October!

Auch 36 gegen Mieterhöhung ist dabei beim flotten Dreier gegen die Gentrifizierung in unseren Kiezen!

Die Kie­zin­itia­ti­ven Karla Pap­pel (Kun­ger­kiez, Alt-​Trep­tow), Schil­ler­kiez (Neu­kölln) und Rei­chen­ber­ger Kiez (Kreuz­berg) be­rei­ten zu­sam­men mit Stei­gen­de Mie­ten stop­pen! eine Reihe von Kiez­ver­an­stal­tun­gen für die zwei­te Ok­to­ber­hälf­te vor. Es geht dabei darum, deut­lich zu ma­chen, dass die stei­gen­den Mie­ten und so­zia­len Exclusion processes in the individual neighborhoods are not isolated problems pose, but that there are causes that should be tackled together.

The dates: Sunday 17th
10th, 14 Clock, City Library (Karl Kunger / Wildenbruchstrasse, Alt-Treptow)
Sunday 24 10, 14 clock, a rat (Weisestr. 53, Neukölln)
Sunday 31 10th, 14 clock, Ohlauer bridge (Kreuzberg)

On the blog of "Rising rents Stop" the full provisional text !

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Christmas Gift For Stroke Patients

Wednesday (27.10.) For BVV: rent increases in the Liberec neighborhood stop!

Here's a mobilization call for BVV Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg am 27.10.2010:

In Kreuzberg, and especially in rich neighborhood Berger explode for years, rents. Now it should also take the Reichenberger Strasse 63a. As a result of the squatters was the late 80's it for the Bewohner_innen this house long-term housing at an affordable price: pupils, students, unemployed, precarious workers and families could afford the rents here. In anderen Häusern in Kreuzberg ist ist das schon lange nicht mehr so.

Der Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg will nun die Gesamtmieten in Vorderhaus und Seitenflügel um bis zu 25% erhöhen. Gleichzeitig will er den Mietvertrag mit dem Hausprojekt im Hinterhaus aufkündigen.

Dagegen wehren wir uns!

Am 27. Oktober wollen wir gemeinsam mit allen Betroffenen zur BVV in das Rathaus Kreuzberg ziehen und zeigen, dass uns leere Versprechungen nicht genug sind.

Organisiert euch und vernetzt euch!

Sa., 24.10.2010, 15 Uhr Infoveranstaltung mit Suppe und Heißgetränken vor der Reichenberger Str. 63a

Wed, 10/27/2010 15h: Meeting before the Reichenberger Str 63a to the common drive to BVV 16:30 h: Meeting point in front of Yorckstr. 4-11 (U-Bhf. Mehrin dam)

Social housing instead CarLoft!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Does Bonjela Work On Ulcers

neighborhood meeting (2.11.) For the Kotti, Heini, Oranienplatz & Bethany neighborhood

Tuesday, 2:11:10, 20 clock
NewYorck in Bethany (South Wing, Marianne Platz 2a)

explode "While in Kreuzberg, rents, harassing security guards and police, more and more people are displaced, it looks to gives the resistance to it would tend to be rather poor. In realms, Wrangel and Graefekiez it approaches continuously operating Neighborhood groups, as well as in adjacent areas and Alt-Treptow Neukölln (Schillerkiez). But what about Kotti and Henry Square, O-space and Bethany?

explode also, and especially here, rents for apartments and commercial space, it comes almost daily to massive police operations on Kotti, the nights are now determined more by the black-clad security guards as the real estate business through us. Actions so far remain isolated and temporary: a vain shop opening on Henry Court, which will be vacated, despite massive support from the Anwohner_innen after a few hours, a banner against rising rents a house in the Waldo Road, the immediate Schreiben der Hausverwaltung mit der Drohung der fristlosen Kündigung nach sich zieht, gelegentliche Demos (oft mehr auf die MediaSpree-Problematik bezogen als auf die konkrete Situation in unserem Kiez).

Wir finden das schade, und möchten hiermit alle rund um Kotti und Heinrichplatz, Oranienplatz und Bethanien lebenden und arbeitenden Menschen zu einem Gründungstreffen für eine in Zukunft regelmässig tagende Kiez-Versammlung einladen.

... "

vollständige Einladung hier

Friday, October 8, 2010

Christmas Cookie Mix In A Bottle

demonstration for a city for all at 9.10.

Aus einer Mauer wur­den tau­send Zäune

De­mons­tra­ti­on for a city for all.

It is obvious: In the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, rents for new leases as high as in any other district of Berlin, and low-income people are displaced from inner city locations. Who is still equipped with a favorable lease agreement, which may or tomorrow a letter from the Vermieter_innen in the mailbox are: rent, luxury renovation, Conversion to condominiums - the pressure grows and the policy to look and creates the Strukuren within which the real estate market should such free rein.

was twenty years ago the Berlin Wall was still and separated along the Spree river. Instead of a wall, there are now thousands of fences. The chance to open the banks of the Spree for all people, was not perceived. Instead, the bank now largely in private and commercial Objects built on.

We as Anwohner_innen nothing if O2 advertises its existence with a huge sign or label opened its third office complex.

Worse still: we are suffering from the rising rents and the following repression! For as long as organized capitalist city and apartments are spread over a market, there can be no city for all.

fences break down, hotels open.


Spree is being demolished with the monumental ice factory, next to the tower, further CarLoft alliance formed for the super rich and on the east side is the next project in the pipeline and this block should also bear the name "Big Freedom".

Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is a popular district, the policies and investors see it as a profit opportunity. More and more wealthy Visitors pass through the neighborhoods. For the richest of these tourists, the hotel nhow (price from 170 € per night), will now be on 13 Opened November.

We ask: Affordable housing for all instead of luxury suites for the few.

you involved in the protests! Look
development not stand it!

demonstration on Saturday, 9 October
start: 16 clock Kottbusser Tor

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Goku Touching Bulma's

Show GDS: 03-10-2010: Pool