Here Article to current rents in the Kreuzberg Graefekiez in the current issue of the tenant echoes of Berlin Tenants Community Association
"Resident / inside the Graefekiez observe the steep rise in Rents for new tenants and create a Mietbarometer by Martin Breger
The Graefe Kiez in Kreuzberg has long been affected by the soaring rents for new leases. Residents travelers, working together in a rental
AG, have since early 2010, the rental offers of the related website for the area evaluated. It covered all items 1 - and 2-room apartments. This selection will be shown among others, which leases of Hartz IV relations, low income / inner and Older with a basic income is even still available. The results show
that for offers 1 - and 2-bedroom apartments, the net rental income, on average, at 6.75 € / sqm or 400 € per month. So that the rents exceed the Graefekiez the average of the Berlin rent index by an average of 41% - with a margin of 1% to 120%. The cheapest one-bedroom apartment costs 5.26 € / sqm and, for the most expensive were 9.96 € / sqm net requires cold. On average, the rent was 7.07 € / m² cold net. The Rental rates for the 2-room flats were 4.56 to 10.14 € / sqm. The average was 6.49 € / sqm. In the street there are Graefe both simple and medium-sized residential areas. The rent index is called as a means for the net rents per square meter: Simple Living situation 5.40 € (apartments smaller than 40 sq m) and 4.54 € (40 to 60 square meters), the living room for Hartz-IV-relations in Graefekiez is running out. Rents for 1 - to 2-bedroom apartments are on average 41% above the average of the Berlin rent index. So far, the average income in Kreuzberg always below that of the entire city. Rising rents, but change the present social structure in Graefekiez.
average residential area 5.70 € (less than 40 sq m) and 4.85 € (40 to 60 square meters).
In the period we studied half a year were only 11 housing offers Hartz-IV-compatible. If they exceed the gross monthly rent of 379 € not denRegelsatz. It consisted of very small apartments, with an average of 34 square meters and an average price of 6.90 € net / sqm monthly rent of 326 € a aufwiesen.Gerade the growing scarcity of residential services for Hartz IV relations, low income / inner and Older travelers with basic income indicate the change in Graefekiez. The renters with low incomes will no longer be an adequate supply of housing. It must be considered that many these renters live in this area, because in Kreuzberg and the median income was now well below that of the entire city.
Rents AG Graefekiez is on the website www.graefe de-kiez the forum and by e-mail address achievable "