Saturday, January 24, 2009

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Dev - Casio 35 + - Key Actions

Hello everyone!

News My second project is not very exciting at the moment (added attacks for the bosses, animations ...), I can repeat a short break to talk a bit about my second program in Basic. Seeing the title of the article, everyone will have guessed that my program is tackling some of the chapter on the corners oriented program 1st S: The primary measure of an angle.
Abstract: The length of the unit circle is 2π, the angle of 360 ° corresponds to 2π radians.
(So, 180 ° = π radians, 90 ° = π / 2 radians, 45 ° = π / 4 radians ...). Logical conclusion, adding to a 2π radian measure, we do make a full turn and the angle obtained is the same. Any angle in radians is up to the interval [-π, π].

The purpose of this program is to provide the primary measure of a given angle in radians as aπ / b. Started Thursday, January 15, in Mathematics, (of course ...)
This program was finally completed Friday, January 23. This project is also the first for which I try teamwork: I'll take this note to thank HQ for the work he allowed me to perform on my program. Immediately, his reaction:
"It doesn't your program, it is full of bugs
I would post the code when I have time to copy it: indeed, I do not have cable for connecting my calculator to the computer.

So after all this useless talk that I leave you to continue working on WTN!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Long Weave With Chines Bangs


Association AccenTango

93, 13001 Marseille La Canebiere


Toliet Sayings For Her

Founding Members

Cyril Courouble

Born in Noumea, today Toulon's port. It has the characteristic of collecting jokes and wordplay that diffuses with joy and enthusiasm. His seamanship was led on every continent. Her next stop? Buenos Aires!

Catherine Rouad

Psychotherapy Jungian in this life, wandering musician in the next. Over the years it has become a spectator and a sought after commentator informed of the Avignon Festival, where she lives. His gaze is now on the tango.

Sarah Lefavrais


Beatrice Patane


Sound Blaster Xfi Licence

Armando Copa

Dancer Choreographer

Né en Argentine, à Tucuman, il a côtoyé le tango très tôt, dans les fêtes familiales. Mais, alors qu’il est encore tout jeune homme, c’est après un accident qui a failli lui coûter sa mobilité qu’il décide de pousser la porte d’un cours de tango. Il a étudié à Buenos Aires avec Dora, Francisco et Suzana (Maestros du Pial), avec Julio Balmaceda, puis avec Omar Vega dont il est devenu l’assistant. Professionnel déjà, il a continué à se former avec Eduardo Capussi et Mariana Flores, Gachi Fernandez, Claudio Gonzales et Melina Bruffman, Gustavo Naveira, Alejandra Mantinian. Il vit dans le sud de la France depuis 2001 où he teaches. He was involved in many dance festivals, including Avignon in the Wintertime. Dancer in the company's ousted '8 ', which combines contemporary dance and tango, he participated in several shows, including the latest,' Syntax 'and' Tangomania 'in France and abroad. His style, sober, is borrowing a large natural elegance. Her dance emerges harmony and sensitivity. His 'touch soil' precise, flexible and combines with a feline eloquent musicality.

Hypothyroid And Cold Sore

Calendar 2009

Abiotic Factors Abot The Great White Shark


Accentango is a fledgling association born in Mediterranean France.
If the tango is at the heart of its activities, it also intends to offer a more comprehensive approach to the Argentine culture in all its aspects.
It offers courses, workshops, coaching, tango, dancing, concerts, exhibitions, trips to Buenos Aires, entertainment and other various events.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

How To Do A Poofy Curly Sew-in With Bangs

Dev - Second draft - WTN: Report No. 1


After more than a month without posting, it seems to me that he had to make a small item to fill the void

not to make too much progress without guard trace (voila, it sounds better that way anyway). Here are the different developments of my project done during that time:

-Adding a new type of soil: soil

-Adding a new type of tile (in
collision map): the player instantly lose a life if it affects these elements (for connoisseurs, these
tiles are almost identical to peaks or spikes
, which can be found in the Megaman

-Added first boss (finally) : le design reste un peu brouillon (je suis pas graphiste, m* rd *!), mais l'essentiel est là. Le boss est contitué de 4 objets :  -Le premier, sa tête, constitue la partie à viser.  -Les deuxième et troisième objets, les yeux, dont l'un est l'exact symétrique de l'autre.
-Le quatrième, la bouche, qui servira probablement pour une attaque.
Il ne possède pour l'instant qu'une seule façon d'attaquer, mais je prevois l'ajout d'au moins 2 autres attaques. Il est pour l'instant impossible de l'attaquer de quelque façon que ce soit.

His only attack (but very original, you'll see ...) is simply ... directed a shot towards the player. Yes I know is known, but it still works, and besides, it's easy to add, then here.
-Added a function of fire: Originally scheduled for the first boss (quoted above), I finally made a more general Job title, that takes into argumentl'objet that makes the missile the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the target and the type of missile to be launched. Ainis, it will be possible to use this feature so that players could use gunfire.

Note: For these shots, we had to create an AI that enables them to move, and a method of collision, which changes depending on the shooter and the type of missile.

Well, I think I go around additions. Now a little checklist, which allows me to mark the milestones before the first release:

-Added a menu suitable pause: currently non-existent, I have already done something rudimentary in my first project I have to see if I can use as a base for this game

-Creation of at least 3 levels suitable I am currently only level appropriate for my tests, so no challenge.

-Added a new kind of enemy: an enemy flying without doubt, I expect to have thought a little more on it to say more.

-Adding another object absorbable by the hero: surely one of those I have already drawn, but I remain undecided.

-Added a real title screen: for now, a still image, with squares drawn by me. To improve ...

By cons, for sounds, it will take still a little: not that I do not know to use them, but I have not yet ...